Transforming Education Newsletter from the Global Citizenship Foundation - Issue #2
"Adaptability to change is itself a hallmark of successful education." - Peter HiltonWe have now entered the digitally globalized era where the use of technology has become prevalent and almost ubiquitous. In the 2nd Issue of the Transforming Education Newsletter, we bring to you an article (authored by Prof. Michael J. Reiss) from the 'Digital Education' section of the .ed Magazine, a quarterly curated magazine for education leaders by the Global Citizenship Foundation. The article delves into knowing the future of education in a digitally globalized era. What you can expect in our newsletter?Featured Article from the .ed MagazineUpcoming Global EventsFeatured AuthorGlobal Citizenship Foundation Events and Updates
🌟 Featured Article
Futures of Education in a Digitally Globalized Era
The worldwide chaos that COVID-19 has wreaked on much of school education since early in 2019 seems likely only to accelerate the importance of such technologies for learning.
Despite several decades of the use of computers in education, they have not always delivered the benefits that their advocates have assured us they would. A recent review found that instances of educational technology that have succeeded in achieving the desired impact at scale, rather than only locally, are rarer than is often presumed. However, any internet search that combines the terms ‘education’, ‘digital’, and ‘globalization’ throws up literally millions of hits. So far, computers and other examples of digital technology too often promise more than they deliver.
And yet, it is difficult to imagine that computers in education are not here to stay. Furthermore, the worldwide chaos that COVID-19 has wreaked on much of school education since early in 2019 seems likely only to accelerate... [Read Full Story Here]
🎫 Upcoming Global Events
💡Panel Discussion:16th OELF Panel Discussion: How Can We Ensure Effective Blended Learning? —
📆 September 14, 2021
🏛 Hosted by the Global Citizenship Foundation
🎟 Ticket: Free Entry
Join us at the two-hour event on September 14, 2021, for the Panel Discussion and Global Speed-Networking. Connect with experts and like-minded global educators as we spark the discussion on How to ensure effective blended learning? — given the teaching and learning challenges exacerbated by the pandemic. We'd explore practical strategies, share best practices, discuss ways of overcoming the challenges.
✅ To know more, visit:
📆 September 16, 2021
🏛 Hosted by UNESCO
🎟 Ticket: Free Entry
✅ To know more, visit:
💡 Online Meeting: What Would a Socially Just Education System Look Like?
📆 September 19, 2021
🏛 Hosted by Comprehensive Future
🎟 Ticket: Free Entry
✅ To know more, visit:
💡 Webinar: The role of the Arts and Humanities in effective online and blended learning design
📆 September 28, 2021
🏛 Hosted by Association for Learning Technology
🎟 Ticket: Free Entry
✅ To know more, visit:
💫 Featured Author of the Week
Heather Singmaster is the Director of CTE and GCEN at Asia Society's Center for Global Education where her work focuses on international benchmarking and integrating global competence into Career Tech Ed programs and state and national policy. She speaks and writes regularly on education and formerly hosted the Global Learning blog on Education Week.
Know more about Heather Singmaster here.
🤩 Global Citizenship Foundation Events and Updates
Youth Opportunity: Mentor-Intern Program Cohort 7 Launched! —
A unique and carefully curated global internship program infused with social-emotional learning (SEL) to foster leadership through personal and professional skills enhancement.
Mentor-Internship Program offers young people an incredible opportunity to experience the Culture of Practice and through reflective actions in a global workplace.
Mentor-Intern Program is a one-of-a-kind platform for individuals to develop essential skills and competencies required to thrive in the workplace and in life. We are excited to announce the applications for Mentor-Intern Program Cohort-VII for October intake are now live.
To know more about Internship Opportunities available, please visit the link and view the prospectus.
Help us do this better
Please help us in helping you better by providing us feedback, suggestions, inputs, and ideas on ways to improve this newsletter. Feel free to write to us here.
Thank you for investing your time to read this newsletter. Here’s my question to you — What do you think education will be in the Digitally Globalized Era? Share your thoughts with me on my Twitter/send me an email.
Once again, thank you for everything you are doing to transform education for human flourishing! If you liked the newsletter, do forward it to your colleagues, and let them know they can subscribe here.
I am looking forward to you joining me in our next newsletter!
Please stay safe and do take care!
Invested in your success,
— Aaryan Salman
Editor, .ed Magazine
President, Global Citizenship Foundation